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- .\"#! troff -ms $1 -*- Nroff -*-
- .\" "Xterm Control Sequences" document
- .\" $XConsortium: ctlseqs.ms,v 1.8 91/07/21 15:30:31 gildea Exp $
- .\"
- .\" Copyright 1991 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- .\"
- .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this documentation
- .\" for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- .\" that the above copyright notice appears in all copies,
- .\" and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising
- .\" or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
- .\" written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the
- .\" suitability of the software described here for any purpose, nor
- .\" about the accuracy of this documentation. It is provided "as is"
- .\" without express or implied warranty.
- .\"
- .\" The X Window System is a Trademark of MIT.
- .\"
- .\" Originally written by Edward Moy, University of California,
- .\" Berkeley, edmoy@violet.berkeley.edu, for the X.V10R4 xterm.
- .\" The X Consortium staff has since updated it for X11.
- .\"
- .\" Run this file through troff and use the -ms macro package.
- .ND
- .de St
- .sp
- .nr PD 0
- .nr PI 1.5i
- .nr VS 16
- ..
- .de Ed
- .nr PD .3v
- .nr VS 12
- ..
- .rm CH
- .ds LH Xterm Control Sequences
- .nr s 6*\n(PS/10
- .ds L \s\nsBEL\s0
- .ds E \s\nsESC\s0
- .ds T \s\nsTAB\s0
- .ds X \s\nsETX\s0
- .ds N \s\nsENQ\s0
- .ds e \s\nsETB\s0
- .ds C \s\nsCAN\s0
- .ds S \s\nsSUB\s0
- .nr [W \w'\*L'u
- .nr w \w'\*E'u
- .if \nw>\n([W .nr [W \nw
- .nr w \w'\*T'u
- .if \nw>\n([W .nr [W \nw
- .nr w \w'\*X'u
- .if \nw>\n([W .nr [W \nw
- .nr w \w'\*N'u
- .if \nw>\n([W .nr [W \nw
- .nr w \w'\*e'u
- .if \nw>\n([W .nr [W \nw
- .nr w \w'\*C'u
- .if \nw>\n([W .nr [W \nw
- .nr w \w'\*S'u
- .if \nw>\n([W .nr [W \nw
- .nr [W +\w'\|\|'u
- .de []
- .nr w \w'\\$2'
- .nr H \\n([Wu-\\nwu
- .nr h \\nHu/2u
- .ds \\$1 \(br\v'-1p'\(br\v'1p'\h'\\nhu'\\$2\h'\\nHu-\\nhu'\(br\l'-\\n([Wu\(ul'\v'-1p'\(br\l'-\\n([Wu\(rn'\v'1p'\|
- ..
- .[] Et \v'-1p'\*X\v'1p'
- .[] En \v'-1p'\*N\v'1p'
- .[] Be \v'-1p'\*L\v'1p'
- .[] Bs \v'-1p'\s\nsBS\s0\v'1p'
- .[] Ta \v'-1p'\*T\v'1p'
- .[] Lf \v'-1p'\s\nsLF\s0\v'1p'
- .[] Vt \v'-1p'\s\nsVT\s0\v'1p'
- .[] Ff \v'-1p'\s\nsFF\s0\v'1p'
- .[] Cr \v'-1p'\s\nsCR\s0\v'1p'
- .[] So \v'-1p'\s\nsSO\s0\v'1p'
- .[] Si \v'-1p'\s\nsSI\s0\v'1p'
- .[] Eb \v'-1p'\*e\v'1p'
- .[] Ca \v'-1p'\*C\v'1p'
- .[] Su \v'-1p'\*S\v'1p'
- .[] Es \v'-1p'\*E\v'1p'
- .[] Fs \v'-1p'\s\nsFS\s0\v'1p'
- .[] Gs \v'-1p'\s\nsGS\s0\v'1p'
- .[] Rs \v'-1p'\s\nsRS\s0\v'1p'
- .[] Us \v'-1p'\s\nsUS\s0\v'1p'
- .[] ! !
- .[] # #
- .[] (( (
- .[] ) )
- .[] * *
- .[] + +
- .[] 0 0
- .[] 1 1
- .[] 2 2
- .[] 3 3
- .[] 4 4
- .[] 5 5
- .[] 6 6
- .[] 7 7
- .[] 8 8
- .[] 9 9
- .[] : :
- .[] ; ;
- .[] = =
- .[] > >
- .[] ? ?
- .[] @ @
- .[] A A
- .[] cB B
- .[] C C
- .[] D D
- .[] E E
- .[] F F
- .[] H H
- .[] J J
- .[] K K
- .[] L L
- .[] M M
- .[] N N
- .[] O O
- .[] P P
- .[] R R
- .[] S S
- .[] T T
- .[] Z Z
- .[] [[ [
- .[] bS \\e
- .[] ] ]
- .[] ^ ^
- .[] _ _
- .[] ` \`
- .[] a a
- .[] b b
- .[] c c
- .[] d d
- .[] f f
- .[] g g
- .[] h h
- .[] i i
- .[] j j
- .[] k k
- .[] l l
- .[] m m
- .[] n n
- .[] o o
- .[] p p
- .[] q q
- .[] r r
- .[] s s
- .[] t t
- .[] x x
- .[] | |
- .[] } }
- .[] c~ ~
- .[] Sc \fIc\fP
- .ds Cc \fIC\fP
- .ds Cb \fIC\v'.3m'\h'-.2m'\s-2b\s0\v'-.3m'\fP
- .ds Cx \fIC\v'.3m'\h'-.2m'\s-2x\s0\v'-.3m'\fP
- .ds Cy \fIC\v'.3m'\h'-.2m'\s-2y\s0\v'-.3m'\fP
- .ds Ps \fIP\v'.3m'\h'-.2m'\s-2s\s0\v'-.3m'\fP
- .ds Pm \fIP\v'.3m'\h'-.2m'\s-2m\s0\v'-.3m'\fP
- .ds Pt \fIP\v'.3m'\h'-.2m'\s-2t\s0\v'-.3m'\fP
- .ds Ix \fIx\fP
- .ds Iy \fIy\fP
- .ds Iw \fIw\fP
- .ds Ih \fIh\fP
- .ds Ir \fIr\fP
- .ds Ic \fIc\fP
- .nr LL 6.5i
- .TL
- Xterm Control Sequences
- .AU
- Edward Moy
- .AI
- University of California, Berkeley
- .sp
- Revised by
- .AU
- Stephen Gildea
- .AI
- MIT X Consortium
- .am NP
- .ds CF %
- ..
- .SH
- Definitions
- .IP \*(Sc
- The literal character \fIc\fP.
- .IP \*(Cc
- A single (required) character.
- .IP \*(Ps
- A single (usually optional) numeric parameter, composed of one of more digits.
- .IP \*(Pm
- A multiple numeric parameter composed of any number of single numeric
- parameters, separated by \*; character(s).
- .IP \*(Pt
- A text parameter composed of printable characters.
- .SH
- VT100 Mode
- .ds RH VT100 Mode
- .LP
- Most of these control sequences are standard VT102 control sequences,
- but there are some sequences here from later DEC VT terminals, too.
- Major VT102 features not supported are smooth scrolling, double size
- characters, blinking characters, and VT52 mode.
- There are additional control sequences to provide
- \fIxterm-\fPdependent functions, like the scrollbar or window size.
- Where the function is specified by DEC or ISO 6429, the code assigned
- to it is given in parentheses. The escape codes to designate
- character sets are specified by ISO 2022; see that document for a
- discussion of character sets.
- .St
- .IP \\*(Be
- Bell (Ctrl-G)
- .IP \\*(Bs
- Backspace (Ctrl-H)
- .IP \\*(Ta
- Horizontal Tab (HT) (Ctrl-I)
- .IP \\*(Lf
- Line Feed or New Line (NL) (Ctrl-J)
- .IP \\*(Vt
- Vertical Tab (Ctrl-K) same as LF
- .IP \\*(Ff
- Form Feed or New Page (NP) (Ctrl-L) same as LF
- .IP \\*(Cr
- Carriage Return (Ctrl-M)
- .IP \\*(So
- Shift Out (Ctrl-N) \(-> Switch to Alternate Character Set: invokes the
- G1 character set.
- .IP \\*(Si
- Shift In (Ctrl-O) \(-> Switch to Standard Character Set: invokes the
- G0 character set (the default).
- .IP \\*(Es\\*#\\*8
- DEC Screen Alignment Test (DECALN)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(((\\*(Cc
- Designate G0 Character Set (ISO 2022)
- \*(Cc = \*0 \(-> DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set
- \*(Cc = \*A \(-> United Kingdom (UK)
- \*(Cc = \*(cB \(-> United States (USASCII)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*)\\*(Cc
- Designate G1 Character Set (ISO 2022)
- \*(Cc = \*0 \(-> DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set
- \*(Cc = \*A \(-> United Kingdom (UK)
- \*(Cc = \*(cB \(-> United States (USASCII)
- .IP \\*(Es\\**\\*(Cc
- Designate G2 Character Set (ISO 2022)
- \*(Cc = \*0 \(-> DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set
- \*(Cc = \*A \(-> United Kingdom (UK)
- \*(Cc = \*(cB \(-> United States (USASCII)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*+\\*(Cc
- Designate G3 Character Set (ISO 2022)
- \*(Cc = \*0 \(-> DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set
- \*(Cc = \*A \(-> United Kingdom (UK)
- \*(Cc = \*(cB \(-> United States (USASCII)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*7
- Save Cursor (DECSC)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*8
- Restore Cursor (DECRC)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*=
- Application Keypad (DECPAM)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*>
- Normal Keypad (DECPNM)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*D
- Index (IND)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*E
- Next Line (NEL)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*H
- Tab Set (HTS)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*M
- Reverse Index (RI)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*N
- Single Shift Select of G2 Character Set (SS2): affects next character only
- .IP \\*(Es\\*O
- Single Shift Select of G3 Character Set (SS3): affects next character only
- .IP \\*(Es\\*P\\*(Pt\|\\*(Es\\*(bS
- Device Control String (DCS)
- \fIxterm\fP implements no DCS functions; \*(Pt is ignored.
- \*(Pt need not be printable characters.
- .IP \\*(Es\\*Z
- Return Terminal ID (DECID). Obsolete form of \*(Es\*([[\*c (DA).
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*@
- Insert \*(Ps (Blank) Character(s) (default = 1) (ICH)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*A
- Cursor Up \*(Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*(cB
- Cursor Down \*(Ps Times (default = 1) (CUD)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*C
- Cursor Forward \*(Ps Times (default = 1) (CUF)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*D
- Cursor Backward \*(Ps Times (default = 1) (CUB)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*;\\*(Ps\|\\*H
- Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*J
- Erase in Display (ED)
- \*(Ps = \*0 \(-> Clear Below (default)
- \*(Ps = \*1 \(-> Clear Above
- \*(Ps = \*2 \(-> Clear All
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*K
- Erase in Line (EL)
- \*(Ps = \*0 \(-> Clear to Right (default)
- \*(Ps = \*1 \(-> Clear to Left
- \*(Ps = \*2 \(-> Clear All
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*L
- Insert \*(Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (IL)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*M
- Delete \*(Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (DL)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*P
- Delete \*(Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (DCH)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*;\\*(Ps\|\\*;\\*(Ps\|\\*;\\*(Ps\|\\*;\\*(Ps\|\\*T
- Initiate hilite mouse tracking.
- Parameters are [func;startx;starty;firstrow;lastrow].
- See the section \fBMouse Tracking\fP.
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*c
- Send Device Attributes (DA)
- \*(Ps = \*0 or omitted \(-> request attributes from terminal
- \(-> \*(Es\*([[\*?\*1\*;\*2\*c (``I am a VT100 with Advanced
- Video Option.'')
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*;\\*(Ps\|\\*f
- Horizontal and Vertical Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (HVP)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*g
- Tab Clear (TBC)
- \*(Ps = \*0 \(-> Clear Current Column (default)
- \*(Ps = \*3 \(-> Clear All
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Pm\|\\*h
- Set Mode (SM)
- \*(Ps = \*4 \(-> Insert Mode (IRM)
- \*(Ps = \*2\*0 \(-> Automatic Newline (LNM)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Pm\|\\*l
- Reset Mode (RM)
- \*(Ps = \*4 \(-> Replace Mode (IRM)
- \*(Ps = \*2\*0 \(-> Normal Linefeed (LNM)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Pm\|\\*m
- Character Attributes (SGR)
- \*(Ps = \*0 \(-> Normal (default)
- \*(Ps = \*1 \(-> Bold
- \*(Ps = \*4 \(-> Underscore
- \*(Ps = \*5 \(-> Blink (appears as Bold)
- \*(Ps = \*7 \(-> Inverse
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*n
- Device Status Report (DSR)
- \*(Ps = \*5 \(-> Status Report \*(Es\*([[\*0\*n (``OK'')
- \*(Ps = \*6 \(-> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column] as
- \*(Es\*([[\*(Ir\|\*;\*(Ic\|\*R
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*;\\*(Ps\|\\*r
- Set Scrolling Region [top;bottom] (default = full size of window) (DECSTBM)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*(Ps\|\\*x
- Request Terminal Parameters (DECREQTPARM)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*?\\*(Pm\|\\*h
- DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET)
- \*(Ps = \*1 \(-> Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM)
- \*(Ps = \*2 \(-> Designate USASCII for character sets G0-G3.
- (In the VT102, this selects VT52 mode (DECANM), which \fIxterm\fP
- doesn't support.)
- \*(Ps = \*3 \(-> 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM)
- \*(Ps = \*4 \(-> Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM)
- \*(Ps = \*5 \(-> Reverse Video (DECSCNM)
- \*(Ps = \*6 \(-> Origin Mode (DECOM)
- \*(Ps = \*7 \(-> Wraparound Mode (DECAWM)
- \*(Ps = \*8 \(-> Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM)
- \*(Ps = \*9 \(-> Send Mouse X & Y on button press.
- See the section \fBMouse Tracking\fP.
- \*(Ps = \*3\*8 \(-> Enter Tektronix Mode (DECTEK)
- \*(Ps = \*4\*0 \(-> Allow 80 \z\(<-\(-> 132 Mode
- \*(Ps = \*4\*1 \(-> \fIcurses\fP(5) fix
- \*(Ps = \*4\*4 \(-> Turn On Margin Bell
- \*(Ps = \*4\*5 \(-> Reverse-wraparound Mode
- \*(Ps = \*4\*6 \(-> Start Logging
- \*(Ps = \*4\*7 \(-> Use Alternate Screen Buffer (unless
- disabled by the \fBtiteInhibit\fP resource)
- \*(Ps = \*1\*0\*0\*0 \(-> Send Mouse X & Y on button press and release.
- See the section \fBMouse Tracking\fP.
- \*(Ps = \*1\*0\*0\*1 \(-> Use Hilite Mouse Tracking.
- See the section \fBMouse Tracking\fP.
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*?\\*(Pm\|\\*l
- DEC Private Mode Reset (DECRST)
- \*(Ps = \*1 \(-> Normal Cursor Keys (DECCKM)
- \*(Ps = \*3 \(-> 80 Column Mode (DECCOLM)
- \*(Ps = \*4 \(-> Jump (Fast) Scroll (DECSCLM)
- \*(Ps = \*5 \(-> Normal Video (DECSCNM)
- \*(Ps = \*6 \(-> Normal Cursor Mode (DECOM)
- \*(Ps = \*7 \(-> No Wraparound Mode (DECAWM)
- \*(Ps = \*8 \(-> No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM)
- \*(Ps = \*9 \(-> Don't Send Mouse X & Y on button press
- \*(Ps = \*4\*0 \(-> Disallow 80 \z\(<-\(-> 132 Mode
- \*(Ps = \*4\*1 \(-> No \fIcurses\fP(5) fix
- \*(Ps = \*4\*4 \(-> Turn Off Margin Bell
- \*(Ps = \*4\*5 \(-> No Reverse-wraparound Mode
- \*(Ps = \*4\*6 \(-> Stop Logging
- \*(Ps = \*4\*7 \(-> Use Normal Screen Buffer
- \*(Ps = \*1\*0\*0\*0 \(-> Don't Send Mouse X & Y on button press and
- release
- \*(Ps = \*1\*0\*0\*1 \(-> Don't Use Hilite Mouse Tracking
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*?\\*(Pm\|\\*r
- Restore DEC Private Mode Values. The value of \*(Ps previously saved is
- restored. \*(Ps values are the same as for DECSET.
- .IP \\*(Es\\*([[\\*?\\*(Pm\|\\*s
- Save DEC Private Mode Values. \*(Ps values are the same as for DECSET.
- .IP \\*(Es\\*]\\*(Ps\|\\*;\\*(Pt\|\\*(Be
- Set Text Parameters
- \*(Ps = \*0 \(-> Change Icon Name and Window Title to \*(Pt
- \*(Ps = \*1 \(-> Change Icon Name to \*(Pt
- \*(Ps = \*2 \(-> Change Window Title to \*(Pt
- \*(Ps = \*4\*6 \(-> Change Log File to \*(Pt (normally disabled by a
- compile-time option)
- \*(Ps = \*5\*0 \(-> Set Font to \*(Pt
- .IP \\*(Es\\*^\\*(Pt\|\\*(Es\\*(bS
- Privacy Message (PM)
- \fIxterm\fP implements no PM functions; \*(Pt is ignored.
- \*(Pt need not be printable characters.
- .IP \\*(Es\\*_\\*(Pt\|\\*(Es\\*(bS
- Application Program Command (APC)
- \fIxterm\fP implements no APC functions; \*(Pt is ignored.
- \*(Pt need not be printable characters.
- .IP \\*(Es\\*c
- Full Reset (RIS)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*n
- Select the G2 Character Set (LS2)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*o
- Select the G3 Character Set (LS3)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*|
- Invoke the G3 Character Set as GR (LS3R). Has no visible effect in \fIxterm\fP.
- .IP \\*(Es\\*}
- Invoke the G2 Character Set as GR (LS2R). Has no visible effect in \fIxterm\fP.
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(c~
- Invoke the G1 Character Set as GR (LS1R). Has no visible effect in \fIxterm\fP.
- .Ed
- .SH
- Mouse Tracking
- .LP
- The VT widget can be set to send the mouse position and other
- information on button presses. These modes are typically used by
- editors and other full-screen applications that want to make use of
- the mouse.
- .LP
- There are three mutually exclusive modes, each enabled (or disabled)
- by a different parameter in the DECSET (or DECRST) escape sequence.
- Parameters for all mouse tracking escape sequences generated by
- \fIxterm\fP encode numeric parameters in a single character as
- \fIvalue\fP+040. For example, \*! is 1. The screen
- coodinate system is 1-based.
- .LP
- X10 compatibility mode sends an escape sequence on button press
- encoding the location and the mouse button pressed.
- It is enabled by specifying parameter 9 to DECSET.
- On button press, \fIxterm\fP sends
- \*(Es\*([[\*M\*(Cb\*(Cx\*(Cy (6 characters). \*(Cb is button\-1.
- \*(Cx and \*(Cy are the x and y coordinates of the mouse when the
- button was pressed.
- .LP
- Normal tracking mode sends an escape sequence on both button press and
- release. Modifier information is also sent.
- It is enabled by specifying parameter 1000 to DECSET.
- On button press or release, \fIxterm\fP sends
- \*(Es\*([[\*M\*(Cb\*(Cx\*(Cy.
- The low two bits of \*(Cb encode button information:
- 0=MB1 pressed, 1=MB2 pressed, 2=MB3 pressed, 3=release.
- The upper bits encode what modifiers were down when the button was
- pressed and are added together. 4=Shift, 8=Meta, 16=Control.
- \*(Cx and \*(Cy are the x and y coordinates of the mouse event. The
- upper left corner is (1,1).
- .LP
- Mouse hilite tracking notifies a program of a button press, receives a
- range of lines from the program, highlights the region covered by
- the mouse within that range until button release, and then sends the
- program the release coordinates.
- It is enabled by specifying parameter 1001 to DECSET.
- Warning: use of this mode requires a cooperating program or it will
- hang \fIxterm.\fP
- On button press, the same information as for normal tracking is
- generated; \fIxterm\fP then waits for the program to send mouse
- tracking information.
- \fIAll X events are ignored until the proper escape sequence is
- received from the pty:\fP
- \*(Es\*([[\*(Ps\|\*;\*(Ps\|\*;\*(Ps\|\*;\*(Ps\|\*;\*(Ps\|\*T.
- The parameters are \fIfunc, startx, starty, firstrow,\fP and \fIlastrow.\fP
- \fIfunc\fP is non-zero to initiate hilite tracking and zero to abort.
- \fIstartx\fP and \fIstarty\fP give the starting x and y location for
- the highlighted region. The ending location tracks the mouse, but
- will never be above row \fIfirstrow\fP and will always be above row
- \fIlastrow.\fP (The top of the screen is row 1.)
- When the button is released, \fIxterm\fP reports the ending position
- one of two ways: if the start and end coordinates are valid text
- locations: \*(Es\*([[\*t\*(Cx\*(Cy. If either coordinate is past
- the end of the line:
- \*(Es\*([[\*T\*(Cx\*(Cy\*(Cx\*(Cy\*(Cx\*(Cy.
- The parameters are \fIstartx, starty, endx, endy, mousex,\fP and \fImousey.\fP
- \fIstartx, starty, endx, \fPand\fI endy\fP give the starting and
- ending character positions of the region. \fImousex\fP and \fImousey\fP
- give the location of the mouse at button up, which may not be over a
- character.
- .SH
- Tektronix 4014 Mode
- .ds RH Tektronix 4014 Mode
- .LP
- Most of these sequences are standard Tektronix 4014 control sequences.
- The major features missing are
- the write-thru and defocused modes.
- This document does not describe the commands used in the various
- Tektronix plotting modes but does describe the commands to switch modes.
- .St
- .IP \\*(Be
- Bell (Ctrl-G)
- .IP \\*(Bs
- Backspace (Ctrl-H)
- .IP \\*(Ta
- Horizontal Tab (Ctrl-I)
- .IP \\*(Lf
- Line Feed or New Line (Ctrl-J)
- .IP \\*(Vt
- Cursor up (Ctrl-K)
- .IP \\*(Ff
- Form Feed or New Page (Ctrl-L)
- .IP \\*(Cr
- Carriage Return (Ctrl-M)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(Et
- Switch to VT100 Mode (ESC Ctrl-C)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(En
- Return Terminal Status (ESC Ctrl-E)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(Lf
- PAGE (Clear Screen)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(So
- Begin 4015 APL mode (ignored by \fIxterm\fP) (ESC Ctrl-N)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(Si
- End 4015 APL mode (ignored by \fIxterm\fP) (ESC Ctrl-O)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(Eb
- COPY (Save Tektronix Codes to file COPYyy-mm-dd.hh:mm:ss) (ESC Ctrl-W)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(Ca
- Bypass Condition (ESC Ctrl-X)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(Su
- GIN mode (ESC Ctrl-Z)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*(Fs
- Special Point Plot Mode (ESC Ctrl-\e)
- .IP \\*(Es\\*8
- Select Large Character Set
- .IP \\*(Es\\*9
- Select #2 Character Set
- .IP \\*(Es\\*:
- Select #3 Character Set
- .IP \\*(Es\\*;
- Select Small Character Set
- .IP \\*(Es\\*]\\*(Ps\|\\*;\\*(Pt\|\\*(Be
- Set Text Parameters of VT window
- \*(Ps = \*0 \(-> Change Icon Name and Window Title to \*(Pt
- \*(Ps = \*1 \(-> Change Icon Name to \*(Pt
- \*(Ps = \*2 \(-> Change Window Title to \*(Pt
- \*(Ps = \*4\*6 \(-> Change Log File to \*(Pt
- .IP \\*(Es\\*`
- Normal Z Axis and Normal (solid) Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*a
- Normal Z Axis and Dotted Line Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*b
- Normal Z Axis and Dot-Dashed Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*c
- Normal Z Axis and Short-Dashed Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*d
- Normal Z Axis and Long-Dashed Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*h
- Defocused Z Axis and Normal (solid) Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*i
- Defocused Z Axis and Dotted Line Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*j
- Defocused Z Axis and Dot-Dashed Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*k
- Defocused Z Axis and Short-Dashed Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*l
- Defocused Z Axis and Long-Dashed Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*p
- Write-Thru Mode and Normal (solid) Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*q
- Write-Thru Mode and Dotted Line Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*r
- Write-Thru Mode and Dot-Dashed Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*s
- Write-Thru Mode and Short-Dashed Vectors
- .IP \\*(Es\\*t
- Write-Thru Mode and Long-Dashed Vectors
- .IP \\*(Fs
- Point Plot Mode (Ctrl-\e)
- .IP \\*(Gs
- Graph Mode (Ctrl-])
- .IP \\*(Rs
- Incremental Plot Mode (Ctrl-^)
- .IP \\*(Us
- Alpha Mode (Ctrl-_)
- .Ed